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ROA Get Kidnapped in LA

ROA Relic of Ancestor Japanese punk band traditional instruments from Japan, shamisen // JPU Records

Shamisen punk rockers ROA get kidnapped in their latest music video 'Tatour'. The video was shot during their 2018 world tour which saw the band perform at France's Japan Expo Sud, London's Hyper Japan and The Underworld and some club shows in the United States.

Filmed in LA by Los Angeles Video Club, the video sees the band get drugged at a party and awake tied-up in an abandoned house in the desert. Shenanigans go down when the boys manage to escape and go wild armed with a machete, an electric saw and a rather large rock.

ROA's unique sound juxtaposes western punk-rock spirit with traditional eastern melody, a concept they've dubbed '和洋折衷/ Wayo Settyu' – literally meaning 'the blending of Japanese and western styles'. Formed by the drummer of Japan’s legendary chart-topping ska-punk outfit SNAIL RAMP, ROA manage to propel their country’s three-stringed traditional instrument, the Tsugaru-shamisen, into the 21st century by implementing its iconic sound in new and exciting ways.

Latest album RODIAC is out now and released exclusively outside of Japan.

ROA RODIAC album CD download. Japanese punk rock shamisen band traditional instruments JPU Records



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The international exclusive album RODIAC from Japanese shamisen rock band ROA (Relic of Ancestors). In Japan the tracks from this album, each influenced by a sign of the zodiac, were released as individual singles, only available at the band's live shows. This compilation of all those singles is exclusive to overseas and highly recommended for fans of Japanese rock and western punk.

The band combine Japanese traditional instruments (they have two shamisen players!) and melodies with punk rock energy. Recommended for fans of Wagakki Band, SiM and FACT.

A number of tracks from this album have been made into music videos, including 'Hitsugenius', filmed while the band was in tour in France. And 'Tatour' from the band's time on the road in America.


  1. Nuneration
  2. Ushism
  3. Toriot
  4. Utopia
  5. Tatour
  6. Mischief
  7. Umanity
  8. Hitsugenius
  9. Saroots
  10. Kijinx
  11. Inuvation
  12. Inosecret
ROA Relic of Ancestors band pic shamisen rock band ROA Relic of Ancestors band pic shamisen rock band


Relic of Ancestor