Japanese Christmas Songs Happy Kids Xmas CD album cover

Happy Kids Xmas: Japanese Christmas Songs [CD]


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  • 25 classic Christmas songs
  • Includes some songs unique to Japan
  • Hear classics like never before
  • 20 page booklet with hiragana lyrics
  • Romaji lyric transliterations

Get ready to celebrate Christmas with a heart-warming collection of kawaii classics from Japan. Hear Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland and other well-known festive favourites like you've never heard before. Plus, a number of Japanese Christmas songs unique to the country! Such as 'Awatenbou no Santa Clause' (Hasty Santa Clause), and Japanese nursery school favourite 'Usagi Nohara no Christmas' (Christmas in the Bunny Field).


Happy Kids Xmas: Japanese Christmas Songs features 25 festive classics sprinkled with super cute Japanese flavour. This makes the album a perfect present or soundtrack to the holiday period for anyone interested in Japanese language, culture or alternative Christmas songs. The physical edition includes lyrics printed in the booklet in easy to read hiragana, as well as romaji, so anyone can sing along and spread the Christmas cheer regardless of their Japanese language level.

These Japanese Christmas songs have been recorded by a number of anime voice actors, award-winning children's choirs and children's entertainers from Japan. Some of the names include, Ryoichi Fukuzawa (Winnie the Pooh, Beauty and the Beast), Noriko Namiki (Rurouni Kenshin, Hunter x Hunter), KEROPONS (over 240-million YouTube hits) and The NHK Tokyo Children's Choir. The latter played an important part in popularising children’s songs in Japan and has toured the world, winning various awards, including the BBC World Amateur Chorus Competition.

This collection of Japanese Christmas songs are guaranteed to bring festive cheer and a smile to even the biggest of Scourges.

Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer Japanese Version

Happy Kids Xmas: Japanese Christmas Songs Tracklist

  1. The Churchbells Announcing Christmas
  2. Joy to the World – The NHK Tokyo Children's Choir
    (もろ人こぞりて – NHK東京放送児童合唱団)
  3. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer – Ryoichi Fukuzawa, The Ebina Boys and Girls Chorus
    (赤鼻のトナカイ – 福沢良一, えびな少年少女合唱団)
  4. Jingle Bells – Ryoichi Fukuzawa, The KOTONOMI Children's Chorus
    (ジングル・ベル – 福沢良一, ことのみ児童合唱団)
  5. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town – Ryoichi Fukuzawa, The KOTONOMI Children's Chorus
    (サンタが町にやってくる – 福沢良一, ことのみ児童合唱団)
  6. Hurry Santa Claus – WEEVA, Hatsumi Kazuho, Hideo Masuda, Smile Kids
    (あわてん坊のサンタクロース – WEEVA, 初見和穂, 益田英生, スマイルキッズ)
  7. Frosty the Snowman – Mariko "makoring" Takase, Hiroaki Takeuchi
    (風も雪も友だちだ – 高瀬“makoring”麻里子, 竹内浩明)
  8. Winter Wonderland – Tampopo Children's Chorus
    (ウィンター・ワンダーランド – タンポポ児童合唱団)
  9. Sleigh Ride – Noriko Namiki, Takuma Wada, Himawari Kids
    (そりすべり – 並木のり子, 和田琢磨, ひまわりキッズ)
  10. We Wish You A Merry Christmas – Tampopo Children's Chorus
    (おめでとうクリスマス – タンポポ児童合唱団)
  11. Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly – Smile Kids, Kazuhiko Kondo, Mikiko Ishiuchi
    (ひいらぎかざろう – スマイルキッズ, 近藤和彦, 石内幹子)
  12. Here Comes Santa Claus – Tampopo Children's Chorus
    (サンタクロースがやってくる – タンポポ児童合唱団)
  13. Christmas in the Bunny Field – Kazune Osawa, Sugamo Children's Chorus
    (うさぎ野原のクリスマス – 大澤和音, すがも児童合唱団)
  14. I Want to Meet You Soon, Santa – Tsubasa Suzuki, Sayama Second Children's Hall Chorus, Takeshi Otomo, Masaru Sakaguchi
    (はやくあいたいな サンタさん – 鈴木翼, 狭山第二児童館合唱団, 大友剛, 坂口勝)
  15. On Christmas Day – KEROPONS
    (クリスマスの日は – ケロポンズ)
  16. I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus – The Mizuumi Boys & Girls Chorus
    (ママがサンタにキッスした – 少年少女合唱団みずうみ)
  17. Quiet Christmas – The Ebina Boys and Girls Chorus
    (しずかなクリスマス – えびな少年少女合唱団)
  18. The Christmas Song – Yōko Ebara, Himawari Kids
    (ザ・クリスマス・ソング – 江原陽子, ひまわりキッズ)
  19. Silent Night – Tampopo Children's Chorus
    (きよしこのよる – タンポポ児童合唱団)
  20. O Come All Ye Faithful – The NHK Tokyo Children's Choir
    (神のみこは – NHK東京放送児童合唱団)
  21. Angels from the Realms of Glory – The NHK Tokyo Children's Choir
    (荒野の果てに – NHK東京放送児童合唱団)
  22. Hallelujah Chorus – BONI PUERI: the Czech Boys Choir, Jaroslav Tůma
    (オラトリオ『メサイア』より「ハレルヤ」– チェコ少年合唱団”ボニ・プエリ”, JAROSLAV TUMA)
  23. Tanoshī Sori Asobi – Ladies Orchestra Japan
    (楽しいソリ遊び – レディス・オーケストラ・ジャパン)
  24. Christmas Festival – Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
    (クリスマス・フェスティバル – 日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団)
  25. White Christmas – Mutsuhiro Nishiwaki
    (ホワイト・クリスマス – 西脇睦宏)

Winter Wonderland Japanese version