Lie and a Chameleon to Showcase Special Tour Final to Celebrate Major Debut Anniversary

If you haven't listened to Lie and a Chameleon yet, what's wrong with you?! The Japanese rock band's debut major full length album JUGEM was released a few months ago and we've had it on loop in the office ever since! The quintet will celebrate their second anniversary of major label life on Saturday 12 September with a special YouTube Premiere stream.
The exciting showcase footage will be from their tour final, recorded at Shibuya's WWW X venue in 2018, a show where the band first announced to their fans that they will make a major debut with King Records Japan. Now you'll be able to experience that intimate moment again! The video will go live from 8am EST, 1pm BST and 2pm CET and the band will be joining the live chat too. See you in the comments!
Lie and a Chameleon (known as 嘘とカメレオン / Uso to Kamereon in Japan, but often shortened to "Usokame") were born in Tokyo and grew up on YouTube. Their first music video 'Saredo Kijutsushi wa Sai o Furu' ("However the Illusionist Shake the Dice") has had almost seven million views and saw the band become a hot topic on Japanese social media, not least because of vocalist Cham(.△)'s bewitching manner or guitarist Sosuke's energetic dance moves. The music video's visionary director Takahiro Tsuboi returned for the video to 'Mononoke In the Fiction', the song used for anime In/Spectre. The band also recorded a cover song for the fifth anniversary of popular mobile phone game BLEACH: Brave Souls.